Sunday, September 25, 2016

Big Ideas Parent Letter

September 2016


We would like to welcome you to the Big Ideas math series, which is in the first year of implementation for 6-8 grades at Carroll Middle School.  The series was recently purchased after the Math Team spent months studying math curriculum, learning new math strategies, and evaluating a variety of textbooks that led to a textbook pilot during the 2015-16 school year.

We want to take this opportunity to share the philosophy behind the Big Ideas series:
  1. Closely aligned to the Iowa Core.
  2. Research-based.
  3. Curriculum has depth and rigor.
  4. Allows students to look at math concepts rather than topic-based.  For example:  Understanding that multiplication is how many groups of something (4 x 5 is four groups of five) rather than just memorizing a fact without developing understanding.  
  5. More opportunity for discovery.
  6. Higher order thinking problems.
  7. Emphasis to explore, question, explain, and persevere.

We want to highlight a few features from the series:
  1. Printed materials available for students.
  2. Website with a variety of learning resources that includes interactive digital resources & an on-line textbook.
  3. Lesson Tutorial Videos.
  4. Skills Review Handbook worksheets.
  5. Family & Community Involvement letter in each chapter, allowing parents to take an active role in their child’s math education.  

The implementation is a new endeavor for our students and math teachers.  We recognize that the Big Ideas resources will have different expectations from the previously used resources, which may reveal some gaps in content.  Know that we will continue our commitment to ensure student success as we implement the new math series.  
We hope the new series will offer our students an opportunity to think at higher levels, to increase student learning, and to provide curriculum-implementation consistency from 6th to 8th grade.

If you have any questions, concerns or comments, feel free to email me at or by phone at 712-792-8020.  

Thank you.

Cory J. Heiman

CMS Dean of Students

Monday, September 19, 2016

Internet Safety Parent Meeting (Grades 7-12)

September 2016

Dear Guardian/Parent(s):

Education and student safety are among top priorities at Carroll Community School District.  In pursuit of these values, Carroll Middle School and Carroll High School will partner up to offer an informational session about Internet safety for parents only who have a child in grades 7-12.  

This idea originated as we recognize the increased presence and use of social media.  Popular sites among our students are Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat as well as frequent cell phone use.  We want to provide information to parents so they know how to handle difficult situations that their child may face with Internet safety and how to talk to their child about Internet safety.

The presentation will be led by Gary Bellinghausen of the Carroll Police Department, whom also leads our 6th grade DARE program and who has led a similar presentation to 7th and 8th grade students last year.  He will utilize NetSmartz ( to guide curriculum and ensure that the most relevant information is being shared.  Some content will address Internet safety including sexting, gaming, and cyber-bullying.  

On Wednesday, October 5th at 7:00 pm, you will have the opportunity to listen to Mr. Bellinghausen’s presentation as well as ask questions that you may have about the topic.  Presentation will be held at the CHS auditorium.  

We hope that you can make it on the 5th as we look forward to offering this opportunity for our parents. Reminder, this presentation is designed for parents only.  

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please contact us at or or by phone at 712-792-8020 (CMS) or 712-792-8010 (CHS).

Thank you.

Cory J. Heiman
CMS Dean of Students

Larry Lesle
Coordinator of Student Support Services

Thursday, April 14, 2016

CMS Student Council @ Culver's

The Carroll Middle School Student Council will participate in a fundraiser at Culver’s on Monday, April 18th, from 5:00-8:00.

Culver’s will donate a portion of their proceeds to the CMS Student CouncilStudents will be responsible for opening doors for the customers, delivering food to the customers, and taking samples of
food to the customers.

We hope to see you there on Monday the 18th.  

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Parent Letter on Math Acceleration

April 2016

Guardian/Parent(s) of 5th, 6th, & 7th Graders:

Our team of 6-8 math teachers has been participating in math professional development since February 2015.  The teachers have been working as a team to learn more about the Iowa Core Mathematics, to review best math practices, and to evaluate math textbooks.  As part of the professional development, the team also reviewed the acceleration process at Carroll Middle School.  

Throughout our conversations it was evident we believe it is important to accelerate and provide differentiation opportunities for those students whose data qualify them for acceleration.  

We have identified several components that are important as we make decisions on whether or not students accelerate in the area of math:  
  1. Make it data-driven.
  2. Work as a team when looking at the data so more conversations can take place when making these decisions.
  3. Add another layer of testing criteria that is more aligned to the Iowa Core (adding a benchmark test).

We have agreed upon the following assessments along with the criteria that students will need to demonstrate to accelerate in the area of math.

*Students must meet all 3 indicators to determine acceleration
Iowa Assessments (begin April 11th)
NWEA (use spring score); take in a few weeks
Benchmark Test (take in May)
95% or higher
93% or higher
85% or higher
95% or higher
93% or higher
85% or higher
95% or higher
93% or higher
85% or higher
  • All 5th graders take 6th grade Benchmark Test in May.
  • All 6th graders take 7th grade Benchmark Test in May.
  • 7th graders not taking Algebra this year would take 8th grade Benchmark Test in May to determine it they should take Algebra next year.
  • All 7th graders taking Algebra this current school year take Geometry Placement test (determine if they take Geometry at the high school).  
  • Students who have been identified with a math goal through the Special Education program would not take the Math Benchmark Test unless parent wishes their child to do so--please contact us if you would like your child to take the Math Benchmark Test.

If students do not demonstrate the above criteria to accelerate for the start of the next school year, they have the opportunity to accelerate at some later point during the year if a teacher thinks s/he shows signs of possibly accelerating by performing well in NWEA Fall and Winter testing windows.  

We believe our Math Professional Development has allowed us to take steps to improve the acceleration process at Carroll Middle School.  We believe our work will benefit our students by identifying students who meet the criteria to accelerate using a more detailed, thorough process.

If you have any questions, concerns or comments, feel free to contact me by email at or by phone at 712-792-8020.

Thank you.

Cory J. Heiman

CMS Dean of Students

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Tech Week @ Carroll Public Library

Students in grades 5-8 are invited to attend Teen Tech Week at the Carroll Public Library.  It is free to attend any day.  No sign up required.  Just show up and CREATE!!

Monday, March 7th (4-6pm)
Learn to Code

Tuesday, March 8th (4-6pm)
Learn to use Conductive Thread

Wednesday, March 9th (4-6pm)
Day of Robots

Thursday, March 10th (4-6pm
Green Screen Video Production

It sounds like a great opportunity for students to learn some 21st Century Skills.  Please check it out!  

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Internet Safety

February 2016

Dear Guardian/Parent(s):

Education and student safety are among top priorities at Carroll Community School District.  In pursuit of these values, Carroll Middle School will offer informational sessions about Internet safety for 7th and 8th grade students.  This idea originated as we recognize the increased presence and use of social media.  Popular sites among our students are Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat.  We want to ensure that our students know how to conduct themselves respectfully and appropriately, especially if/when difficult situations arise.

Educational sessions will be led by Gary Bellinghausen of the Carroll Police Department, whom also leads our 6th grade DARE program.  He will utilize NetSmartz ( to guide curriculum and ensure that the most relevant information is being shared.  Some content will address Internet safety, sexting, gaming, and cyber-bullying.  

In order to adequately prepare, we will talk to students prior to Officer Bellinghausen’s visit.  A Google Survey will also be shared with students, which will create an opportunity for them to offer questions or comments about the presentation.  The survey’s responses will help Officer Bellinghausen to create a relevant, helpful, and timely presentation.

Sessions will occur on Wednesday, February 10 (7th grade) and Thursday, February 11 (8th grade) during regularly scheduled social studies/geography classes.  If your child does not have social studies/geography, s/he will have an adjusted schedule so s/he can attend the session.  You are welcomed to attend this session during your child’s assigned class period.  You may check the time of their assigned class on Infinite Campus.

If you do not want your child to participate, please contact me by phone at 712-792-8020 or email at  An alternative activity will then be provided.  There is no penalty for not participating.  

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, again, please contact me.  

Thank you.

Cory J. Heiman
CMS Dean of Students