Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Internet Safety Parent Night (7-12)

Dear Guardian/Parent(s):

Education and student safety are among top priorities at Carroll Community School District.  In pursuit of these values, Carroll Middle School and Carroll High School will partner up to offer an informational session about Internet safety for parents only who have a child in grades 7-12.  

This idea originated as we recognize the increased presence and use of social media.  Popular sites among our students are Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat as well as frequent cell phone use.  We want to provide information to parents so they know how to handle difficult situations that their child may face with Internet safety and how to talk to their child about Internet safety.

The presentation will be led by Gary Bellinghausen of the Carroll Police Department, whom also leads our 6th grade DARE program and who has led a similar presentation to 7th and 8th grade students previously.  He will utilize NetSmartz ( to guide curriculum and ensure that the most relevant information is being shared.  Some content will address Internet safety including sexting, gaming, and cyber-bullying.  

On Wednesday, October 4th at 7:00 pm, you will have the opportunity to listen to Mr. Bellinghausen’s presentation as well as ask questions that you may have about the topic.  The presentation will be held at the CHS auditorium.  

We hope that you can make it on the 4th as we look forward to offering this opportunity for our parents. Reminder, this presentation is designed for parents only.  

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please contact us at or or by phone at 712-792-8020 (CMS) or 712-792-8010 (CHS).

Thank you.

Cory J. Heiman
CMS Dean of Students

Larry Lesle
Coordinator of Student Support Services