Our team of 6-8 math teachers has been participating in math professional development since last February. They have been working as a team to learn more about the Iowa Core Mathematics and to review best math practices. As part of the professional development, the team is looking at new curriculum materials that are more closely aligned to the Iowa Core Mathematics, allowing for greater opportunity for students to think at higher levels.
Our math team of teachers is currently looking at new math materials for next year. The 6-8 math teachers will participate in our second math pilot in which they will implement the math curriculum materials McGraw-Hill for a short time. The purpose of the pilot is for our teachers to familiarize themselves with the variety of resources within the math series, to determine the curriculum materials’ impact on student learning, and to see how the students respond to the materials.
The math team has come up with a few guidelines during the implementation of the McGraw-Hill pilot:
- Teachers will pilot the materials after Thanksgiving break up until Winter break and possibly into the first week in January.
- Students will have access to the textbook online.
- Students may be sent home materials such as workbooks/handouts from the new materials.
- Homework will consist of basic math assignments of concepts from the materials.
- Grades collected during this time will consist of work completion grades (students putting forth best effort on assigned tasks), certain assignments and assessments from new materials, and IXL assignments.
We are anxious to get the pilot underway with the hopes of introducing materials to the teachers and students that will increase the depth of learning for our students.
We ask students to do their best with the new materials as the materials may ask students to think about math in new ways.
We appreciate your understanding and patience during this time. If you have any questions, concerns or comments, contact me by email at cheiman@carrolltigers.org or by phone at 712-792-8020.