Monday, August 18, 2014


STEM, a state initiative, is an acronym that pertains to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, which are areas of study important to the Iowa Core's 21st Century Skills.  The Governor of Iowa has created a STEM Advisory Council to promote and encourage schools in Iowa to provide STEM learning opportunities to students of all ages.

Carroll Community Schools has a variety of STEM-related activities across grade levels in the district and is committed to provide these learning opportunities.  Currently, students at Carroll Middle School will be/are involved in STEM-related activities such as Multi-Media, JAVA Programming, Coding, and Robotics.  Our hope is that students develop an interest in future STEM careers because of their involvement now.

STEM provided an opportunity for teachers across the state to apply for programs to provide additional learning opportunities for students.  We had several CMS teachers complete the application process.

The following teachers were awarded grants in the following STEM programs:

1.  Mrs. Vegter, 8th grade science teacher, will receive additional teacher training and resources in KidWind, which provides experiences in alternative energy.

2.  Mr. Tidgren, 7th grade math teacher, will receive resources in A World in Motion, which provides additional learning opportunities for students in the areas of math, science, and technology.

3.  Mrs. Schulz, technology integrationist, received a grant in Hyperstream, which is a program that partners education and business, providing students with hands-on, real-world technology projects.

We look forward to continue to look at ways to incorporate STEM-related learning opportunities to encourage and promote students in a career in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Financial Literacy as a 7th Grade Exploratory Class

As part of the Iowa Core (Common Core State Standards), teaching the 21st Century Skills is a requirement.  The 21st Century Skills include:  Technology Literacy, Heath Literacy, Employability Literacy, and Financial Literacy.  These skills are taught in a variety of classes throughout the middle school.

This year we had the opportunity to re-design the 7th grade Technology exploratory class that runs for 6 weeks.  We will devote this Technology class to the 21st Century Skill of Financial Literacy.  Mrs. Borchers, our Gifted and Talented teacher, will teach the exploratory class.  All 7th grade students will participate.

The following essential Concepts and/or Skills will be addressed:

1.  Learn the process of financial planning based on wants and needs;
2.  Create an effective spending plan;
3.  Recognize appropriate uses of credit;
4.  Evaluate risks to personal identity;
5.  Evaluate possible options for investing;
6.  Demonstrate ethical financial making skills.

We are excited to design a class on Financial Literacy, providing students experiences important to the 21st Century.  We know that students will enjoy the class and learn the importance of Financial Literacy as they become young adults.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Welcome Back to 2014-15 School Year

I would like to welcome back students, parents, and staff to the 2014-15 school year.  I hope every one enjoyed the summer months.  It is hard to believe that we will be back in school soon.  I am sure many of you are ready to get back to the school routine.

I wanted to bring to your attention or remind you of several dates:

Wednesday, August 13th:  Chromebook Roll Out Night at the CHS Auditorium (5th/6th:  6:30 & 7th/8th:  7:00) - 1 of 2 dates that you can attend;
Thursday, August 14th:  K-8 Open House from 4:45-7:00;
Monday, August 18th:  Chromebook Roll Out Night at the CHS Auditorium (5th/6th:  6:30 & 7th/8th:  7:00) - 2 of 2 dates that you can attend.

I also would like to inform you that I am using two social media tools to communicate to parents, students, and staff.  You can subscribe to my blog using the following link:

You can also follow me on Twitter at the following address:  @cory_heiman

I hope you subscribe/follow me as I will do my best to communicate classroom happenings, provide updates occurring at CMS, etc.

We look forward to the upcoming school year.  Thank you for allowing us to teach your child(ren).