Digital Citizenship: The norms of appropriate, responsible behavior with regard to technology use.
As we look toward the second semester, we recognize that our CMS students need more teaching and a better understanding of responsible behavior when using their Chromebooks. Digital Citizenship, which encompasses many topics such as Digital Etiquette, Digital Communication, Digital Law, Digital Security, is an avenue to assist with this concept.
Because of the wide use of technology and the variety of communication options available today, there is an importance in educating our students in Digital Citizenship. Students need to know how to become more responsible digital citizens in this digital era. Students need educating on why it is important to make appropriate decisions when choosing and using all communication devices.
Starting second semester, we will integrate a Digital Citizenship curriculum on a weekly basis during STAR from our Technology Integrationist, Mrs. Schulz, along with follow-up discussions from our teachers. We are committed to teach our students what Digital Citizenship is, so that they gain a better understanding of its importance and the real-life implications of exhibiting Digital Citizenship.
We live in such a digitized era and society that students need more educating on Digital Citizenship, so that they understand the importance in using technology appropriately and responsibly.
Source: Heartland Area Education Agency's Digital Citizenship Website